ARCAS Community Development Activities

In a country as poor and with so much inequality as Guatemala, any conservation effort must necessarily go hand-in-hand with sustainable community development. Much of the work that ARCAS carries out at it’s project sites is community development work, including:

Efficient Wood-Burning Stoves

ARCAS is promoting the use of ‘Justa’ wood burning stoves, which save up to 70% on the use of firewood while reducing the incidence of respiratory illnesses by removing harmful wood smoke from the home. With the help of the Rotary Club, it has constructed 935 of these stoves throughout Guatemala.

Water and Sanitation.

Thanks to the support of Japanese Embassy’s APC Fund, ARCAS carried out a potable water project in the Hawaii Area. The Japanese government also supported the renovation of the Hawaii Park and the Wildlife Rescue Center in Peten.


ARCAS has supported the construction of schools and environmental education centers in Hawaii, Guatemala City and Peten, and has collaborated with other education projects throughout the country.

Sustainable Livelihoods

ARCAS also seeks to provide local residents with sustainable livelihood alternatives to poaching, illegal logging and other environmentally destructive activities, and offer training and logistical support in ecotourism, small business development and handcrafts.
To learn more about what ARCAS does, check our Annual Reports on the publications page. If you want to volunteer please see the Volunteer Information section or email us at [email protected].

ARCAS relies on the support of our amazing donors and collaborators around the world.
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